Friday, November 11, 2011

If You Eat, You Should Care About This:

Ok, so I normally post recipes but I warned in my "about" section that I might post things about food, health issues, policy, green initiatives, etc. This is about food policy. And a grotesque abuse of our right to access information, safe food and healthy options for our families- through food. So if you eat food, you should seriously care about this. Please click the link to learn more.

Why you should care about the farm bill

The farm bill matters to you if you care what you and your kids eat, how government policies affect the cost and availability of healthy, chemical-free food and how clean your drinking water is.
Its three most important sections deal with (or possibly won't deal with):
  • Support programs for farmers who grow grains.
  • Provide money and technical help to farmers to protect soil, water and wildlife.
  • Fund the all-important nutrition and feeding programs for low-income Americans, especially women, children and infants.
It’s a huge piece of legislation that drives federal spending and policies on agriculture, nutrition and conservation programs, and it’s usually debated and passed every five years. It was due to come up for renewal in 2012, but industrial agriculture interests and their powerful allies in Congress are trying to circumvent open debate and get the bill they want passed as part of the “Super Committee” plan for cutting the federal deficit.

Stop the Secret Farm Bill | Environmental Working Group

This is a gross abuse of the democratic system. Regardless of whether you agree with the language in the bill, the fact that it is being pushed through without the standard democratic process of review is alarming and disturbing! Stand up for your right to know. Stop this.

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